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Last Updated: 2011/8/4
ROOM 227

CALL TO ORDER:  B. Boodry called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.  
Members Present:  B. Boodry, B. Piepho, J. Ginnetty, R. Carley, S. Howard, L. Leaden,
B. Woerner, S. Young, G. Petriccione

Absent Member:  S. Ward

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  A motion was made by R. Carley, seconded by B. Piepho, to approve the minutes of June 7, 2011.  Motion was passed unanimously.

INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS:  George Walker, Friends of the Lake

CORRESPONDENCE:  DEP – Permit to place markers for water ski slalom course.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  B. Boodry stated that all insurance policies have been renewed as of July 1, 2011.  B. Boodry asked all members to have any invoices mailed directly to the LLA
P.O. Box 568, Brookfield, CT  06804.  J. Simmons will also add to the website  All invoices directed to this website will then be forwarded to Administrative Assistant.

VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  G. Petriccione suggested the LLA send a thank you note for the great July 4th fireworks display.

SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  J. Simmons stated that he has had a good response from people signing up for text messaging for Lake Alert and joining the mailing list.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  B. Boodry stated that LLA should be receiving a check from the Town of Southbury for their annual town contribution shortly.

1.  Phone Notification System:  Call-Em-All protocol was discussed.  A suggestion was made for
     FOL to set up their own account to send out their messages.

2.  Treasurer Vacancy/Notification:  This agenda item will be discussed under Old Business.

3.  New Budget:  B. Boodry stated that he will email a copy of the new budget to the members.  
     He also stated that he is not recommending any budget increases or decreases.  This agenda item
    will be placed on the agenda for next month’s meeting.

Lake Lillinonah Authority Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, July 5, 2011       Page Two

1.  Zebra Mussel Update:  The informational sheets on zebra mussels have been printed.  
     Members will distribute the informational sheets at their town hall buildings.
    G. Walker, FOL, stated that G. Bollard will be conducting testing on the lake every other week
     with a group from Westcon.  G. Walker also stated that Larry M. will speak about Zebra
     Mussels at the FOL Anniversary Meeting on August 11, 2011.

2.  Water Levels:  The water level was not lowered for Save the Lake Day.  G. Walker, FOTL, sent
     First Light a letter regarding this issue.  First Light representatives stated they would like to
     attend LLA’s September 2011 meeting to discuss this matter.  It was suggested to compile an
    agenda regarding items LLA members would like to address with First Light at the LLA
     September 2011 meeting. This plan of action will be emailed to First Light before the meeting.

3.  Buoys-Repair and Installation:  S. Young reported that buoy repair and installation is not fully
     completed.  Synthetic rope and anchor bolts will be delivered this week. The buckets have been

4.  USGS:  B. Boodry stated that he emailed USGS and forwarded to them all information that was
     requested to set up the joint funding agreement.       

5.  Budget:  This agenda item was discussed under New Business.

6.  Treasurer Vacancy:  B. Boodry gave L. Leaden the CD data from Quick Books through the
     beginning of 2011 as well as the license to be given to bookkeeper.  B. Boodry stated that all
     invoices are current and paid up to date.

7.  Water Quality Efforts for 2011:  There are no water quality efforts in place for 2011.

8.  Vacancies:  B. Boodry reported that the Brookfield vacancy should be filled and approved by
     the August 2011 meeting.  The following vacancies are as follows:  Newtown-1, Bridgewater-2,
    Southbury-1, and Roxbury-1.

OTHER ITEMS:  S. Young reported on the Boating and Safety report for the month of May 2011.

G. Petriccione suggested looking into inflation costs now for when another new boat is needed.
K. Seeley’s input on the likes and dislikes of the current new boat will be helpful

ADJOURNMENT:  A motion was made by S. Young, seconded by B. Piepho, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion was passed unanimously.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:40